Jawwad Akhtar – Bhaoo Pvt. Ltd. http://www.bhaoo.com Industry Leading VoIP Services Fri, 06 Jan 2017 06:33:10 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=4.6.1 GITEX 2015http://www.bhaoo.com/getex-2015/ http://www.bhaoo.com/getex-2015/#respond Mon, 01 Feb 2016 12:35:51 +0000 http://www.bhaoo.com http://www.bhaoo.com/getex-2015/feed/ 0 Capacity 2016http://www.bhaoo.com/cap2016/ http://www.bhaoo.com/cap2016/#respond Fri, 01 Jan 2016 12:40:12 +0000 http://www.bhaoo.com/?p=36895 http://www.bhaoo.com/cap2016/feed/ 0 Bhaoo at ACC 2015http://www.bhaoo.com/blogsacc2015/ http://www.bhaoo.com/blogsacc2015/#comments Fri, 11 Sep 2015 16:24:55 +0000 http://www.bhaoo.com
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Asian Carrier Conference 2015

Asian Carriers Conference is one of the largest telecom wholesale conferences held annually in Cebu Philippines.  Bhaoo is a regular attendee of the ACC since its inception. With more than 300 organizations from across the globe and around 1500 delegates the ACC is a must attend event for Wholesale VOIP providers as well as for companies in other product segments such as Data and SMS.

The ACC is held every year in the tropical island of Cebu at the magnificent Shang-Rila  a perfect setting for business and pleasure alike. The casual setting of the conference on the island makes the event much more relaxing for the delegates than any other annual event.

Saad Saleem, working in carrier relations for Bhaoo attended the event for the first time and had this to say

‘ACC in Cebu was one of the best conferences I have attended for a really long time. The feel of the event was very laid back. This allowed delegates like us to talk business in a much more relaxed atmosphere and enjoy the ambiance. Shang-Rila is a magnificent location. I can’t wait to come back next year’

Along with meetings among delegates the ACC arranges numerous workshops and training events at the conference. Bhaoo delegates attended some of these events :

The future of communication, Divya Mankakar, Head of Innovation at BICS

The workshop scheduled on the 2nd day of the conference was attended by a large amount of delegates. The talk given by Divya was thought provoking and very inspiring. In this ever changing telecommunication industry, the new threats and opportunities for telecom operators as well as the role of social media was the main highlight of the event.

The ACC has many licensed sponsors. They mainly consisted of call termination license holders in their specific countries such as PLDT who was the main sponsor from the Phillipines


Sohaib Hameed, Manager Carrier Relations at Bhaoo had this to say about the ACC

“It was indeed a great experience attending ACC Asia’s biggest Wholesale Carrier conference. Mobile operators, Tier 1 carriers and big aggregators from all the continents were part of this year’s ACC made it a highly productive, informative and lucrative event. All the attendees were provided with great facilities throughout whereas the event was extremely well managed.”


Social Events at the ACC

Apart from the business nature of the event the organizers had arranged different social events for the delegates. Before the conference kick started, a golf tournament was arranged for the delegates.

Evening Social events and dinners with different themes were organized on the first 3 days of the conference. One of these included the Back to 80s music theme dinner where Philippine’s top dance group performed and was widely praised by the audience.

On the last day a trip to the Olango Island was also arranged for the delegates to end the on a high.

 Business Networking

While most delegates have scheduled meetings with their clients and partners beforehand the ACC is a great opportunity to communicate with organization which you have never corresponded with before to discuss business.  Voice termination industry, where a call initiated as a VoIP call is terminated using PSTN, is growing tremendously in the last few years and many of the delegates made contacts with potential clients from across the world which will prove beneficial for them in the near future.

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Bhaoo at CME 2015http://www.bhaoo.com/capacity-middle-east-2015/ http://www.bhaoo.com/capacity-middle-east-2015/#respond Fri, 07 Aug 2015 10:52:22 +0000 http://www.bhaoo.com
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Capacity Middle East 2015

This conference was held in Dubai in the Month of March. Our team attended this conference and it turned out to be an amazing experience for them. Notable names of the industry were present in this conference. The event included networking sessions, official meals and much more.

Assistant Manager, Global Voice and Carrier Business Department, Mr. Hammad Shams represented Bhaoo at Capacity Middle East 2015. Here is what he says about his experience.

“CME does a great job of bringing together the leading Telecom players to discuss the trend shaping the future of connectivity . CME conferences seemed to have hit the rare trifecta of high quality attendees, informative sessions and great networking. My feedback is simple: If you’re serious about growing your Telecom business, the CME conference is a must-attend event, period. Looking forward to the next one.”

]]> http://www.bhaoo.com/capacity-middle-east-2015/feed/ 0 Bhaoo Team Workhttp://www.bhaoo.com/team-work/ http://www.bhaoo.com/team-work/#comments Fri, 13 Feb 2015 11:51:01 +0000 http://www.bhaoo.com

How Team Work is the Next Best Thing

Team work is known to yield numerous advantages for companies. Team is not simply a group of people working together. It is when people come together with a shared vision and values, working towards a common objective.

How does it help?

1. Taking it for the team

Team work is about shared responsibility and accountability. All the members share the spirit of working together and make sure that the outcome is successful as they will be held responsible too. This spirit automatically benefits firms as results become more productive.

2. Bringing out the best in each other

When members have a shared objective, they try to support each other and help each other to perform to their best potential.

3. Keeping Competitiveness alive

When teams compete with other, they generally tend to perform at a much higher level, leading to successful performance for the entire organization.

4. Leveraging diverse thoughts

This is a great advantage for the organization as different people brainstorm to come up with new ideas and creative ways of getting things done. Newer perspectives come forward, adding value to the tasks.


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Tracking Anonymous VoIP Callshttp://www.bhaoo.com/tracking-anonymous-voip-calls/ http://www.bhaoo.com/tracking-anonymous-voip-calls/#respond Thu, 05 Feb 2015 17:26:55 +0000 http://www.bhaoo.com

Tracking Anonymous VoIP Calls

Low cost and convenience has made peer-to-peer VoIP call increasingly popular. These calls are secured by low latency network which made them anonymous and to some of the people – secure. However, secured is a very subjective word; it also mean that low latency anonymizing network allow the terrorists gets the opportunity to communicate in a secured way. Law enforcement agencies usually require call identifying capability to trace the call or conduct lawful electronic surveillance. The rapid proliferation of Internet telephony has raise serious threats in providing same quality call tracing. For e.g. a propriety signaling protocol could setup VoIP calls and VoIP traffic could be encrypted effortlessly.

How VoIP has proliferated Anonymous callings

VoIP uses a proprietary peer to peer protocol and popular companies like Skype uses it. These types to calls are hard to trace. However the owners of Skype (Microsoft) may give metadata access to law enforcement agencies to trace these calls to some extent. But if you wish to be untraced, you can make a fake email account and use it only for making Skype calls only.

Another easy way is Google Voice. You real identity can remain be hidden yet you can create a throwaway Google account and receive calls in your Google interface without disclosing your real phone number.  This also has to be kept in mind that in VoIP telephony, the network traffic flows through the cheapest routes and not through to shortest path. A call from US to Canada may pass through servers placed in China which makes it very difficult to trace by LEA.


To counter these negatively secured calls, various techniques are developed but the most popular is watermark technique. The key idea is to embed a unique watermark into the encrypted VoIP flow by slightly adjusting the timing of selected packets. This solution basically focuses on lawful interception of peer to peer VoIP call. Generally a VoIP packet passes through many peers in internet scenarios before reaching to their destination. So it is difficult to determine who is talking to whom. This solution presented watermarking technique, in which digital watermark would be embedded with VoIP signaling and media packets, which would help the law agencies to intercept VoIP call. This scheme is also known as packet marking scheme.

However, this solution is not providing the location information in terms of longitude and latitude. A fool proof security technique needs to fetch exact location information in order to enhance security, and to provide live tracking functionality. It should provide location information even in the case if someone is using the anonymous proxy server to establish the call. Device should not allow establishing call if it is not passing location information and location spoofing should not be allowed.

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2014 – A Year of Successhttp://www.bhaoo.com/blogs2014flashback/ http://www.bhaoo.com/blogs2014flashback/#respond Mon, 05 Jan 2015 15:26:37 +0000 http://www.bhaoo.com


2014 – A Year of Success

2014 has been a roller coaster ride for us. The year has proven to be full of ups and downs. A quick reflection highlights many significant aspects. A look back reveals:

  • Overall growth for the company

The company succeeded in achieving more revenues and profits in 2014 as compared to 2013, resulting in a growth rate of more than 50%. One major reason has been the rigorous marketing efforts and endeavours of employees to bring in more business.

  • Human resource development

Another major aspect of 2014 was our focus on human resource development. We have tried to introduce favourable human resource policies for our team members in both monetary and non-monetary forms along with emphasis on training. Also, steps have been taken to introduce indoor game facilities to provide work-relaxation balance to employees.

  • Expansion plans

2014 has seen and brought significant expansion plans for our company. Not only the office premises saw renovation and improvement but in terms of clients as well. A lot of effort was directed in acquiring more business from different parts of the world. To a great extent, new interconnects and clients were achieved.

  • Technology Adaptation

A lot of developments were made to automate the back end processes crucial for business development. This includes in house development of software for sending rates, making deals, managing clients and monitoring revenue. This has been a major shift that has revolutionized the day to day operations, making them faster to support business.



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GITEX Technology Week 2014http://www.bhaoo.com/gitex-technology-week-2014/ http://www.bhaoo.com/gitex-technology-week-2014/#comments Thu, 13 Nov 2014 16:19:53 +0000 http://www.bhaoo.com
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GITEX Technology Week 2014

This conference was the last major event of the year. It was held in Dubai and our team from Retail Department attended this event. It was a good experience for all of the attendees as they got this opportunity to meet their valued clients.

Our team member from Voice Business, Ms. Qurrat shares her experience below as she was a part of GITEX 2014

The GITEX Technology Week was definitely one of the most striking meeting point for the buyers and suppliers of the information technology, communications and networking sector around the world.

One can find potential business partners from around the globe majorly UK, India, UAE, KSA and China Market. It’s a place where you get a chance to meet new/ existing clients that helps in strengthen the business relation.

In addition to this there were various business activities including a string of conferences and special highlights, which makes the GITEX Technology Week truly inspirational and enlightening for all the participants.

http://www.bhaoo.com/gitex-technology-week-2014/feed/ 2
CommunicAsia 2014http://www.bhaoo.com/communicasia-2014/ http://www.bhaoo.com/communicasia-2014/#comments Mon, 13 Oct 2014 14:38:32 +0000 http://www.bhaoo.com
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CommunicAsia 2014

This was another major conference that was held in Singapore. It was a 4 day conference, attended by more than 33,000 attendees were present. This event turned out be to fruitful in terms of new clients, business opportunities and learning. The event covered many activities including training workshops, recreational activities and interview session.

One of our senior business development executives shares her experience when she attended CommunicAsia 2014.

CommunicAsia is one of the top telecommunication events that have all the products and services we need under one roof. It’s a one stop solution where we get to meet our Existing Partners and find opportunity to build new business relations. There are international group pavilions and in particular the China, India, Malaysia and Singapore pavilions which are of major interest to us. This has been a fruitful visit as we have found potential Leads and Suppliers creating additional value for Bhaoo.

http://www.bhaoo.com/communicasia-2014/feed/ 1
Attractive Workplacehttp://www.bhaoo.com/attractive-workplace/ http://www.bhaoo.com/attractive-workplace/#respond Wed, 13 Aug 2014 17:52:12 +0000 http://www.bhaoo.com

What makes a workplace attractive?

A workplace is an important part of a person’s life. It is a place where a person spends his time and effort as well. But the question is what those things that make workplace worthwhile are? What are those things that motivate a person to stay and dedicate himself for an organization?

Let’s try to explore.

  1. A welcoming environment 

This is one of the most crucial elements that matter to workplace members. An environment comprises of the team, atmosphere, the attitude of people around and ambiance of the workplace too. A welcoming environment means the atmosphere is friendly, comfortable and team work is healthy.

  1. Rewards 

Rewards include both monetary and non-monetary rewards that a workplace offers. Although rewards might not be a major reason, it does have the power to impact employees. Rewards don’t only need to be consistent, but relevant and fair at the same time.

  1. Empowerment 

Even more important than the above is the nature of work. In fact, it might be the most significant factor that exists. Empowerment is a broad term. It means the workplace members need freedom and space to think and carry out their ideas.

  1. Personal/Professional Development 

A sound workplace is the one where members feel they are learning continuously and their skills are also constantly being polished. They feel that they are growing and advancing in their professions.

  1. Supportive Leadership 

Perhaps what matter the most is to receive guidance and encouragement from management. Such leaders motivate their team and appreciate their work on a regular basis. This keeps the spirit of the team high.



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